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Korrith's Diary
Korrith's Diary
A sleek black book, most often found laying around Dundee Inn, bears the name Korrith Oniban and seems to have been recently repaired. Teeth marks can still be seen on some parts, as well as smudges of ink and grubby fingerprints of those who could not resist the temptation of flicking through the pages.
Scribbles from Sunday, 30 July 2006
I ended yesterday by chatting to Thorin. Never a good idea to talk to him for TOO long, he seems to be a very negative person these days.

He was so convinced that the ceremony was going to be bad, I think he wanted it to be bad, to prove him right. In the face of the obvious good it's done (Sealed the crack in Caer Laleldan, pushed away the darkness in the HoL library, unified us all, given lesser known adventurers a chance to shine, brought out Xanthias' leadership qualities and added about 50 demon deaths to all our tallies. Oh yeah, AND opened negotiations with Ethucan again) he decided to try and pick holes in things. Such as "The Ethucanian's must have spies! We should attack them!" and other such remarks. They obviously just heard the town crier.

What is difficult to understand about someone finally coming around and realising whats good for them? The Ethucanian's came to our aid in our time of need, realising that it was best to put aside our differances and fight as one to preserve the safety of both lands. A patrol around the continental doorway is the least we can do, if it will once more unite our nations. They aren't letting us in yet, but in time that shall surely come. They have made the first move by coming here.

One would think a member of an alliance of explorers would be desperate for a new land to explore. Not so desperate to... I guess the word is "sabotage" relations by convincing people to attack Ethucanians when they come here.

On another note, I hear Waterfall has returned. I have missed her more than she knows. Hopefully I may see her soon, as I was kinda planning a little excursion myself, starting tomorrow.
Korrith wrote this at 05:04. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (5)
Scribbles from Saturday, 29 July 2006
Another day for the history books.

Caer Laleldan was attacked some more. I ran there and several of us decided we should set up a permanent guard. Thorin organised it.

So, me, Korba, Thorin, and a few others stayed put. We were plunged into a darkness unlike any I've ever seen. We all blessed ourselves with light, threw torches down everywhere. Nothing could penetrate it. Avian handed out sandclaw bursters and we killed some demons.

We were constantly attacked. I got "The Curse of the Demon Lord". And I grew fatigued. Eventually, I nodded off, much to my shame.

When I awoke, Xanthias was standing over me. I rose to my feet. And many were around, keeping watch. I went to check on the HoL. Only a few marcs to go now.

I contacted Sylent One and she agreed to upgrade my Holy Hammer. It is now extremely swift. She called it Crowning Thunder. When I swing it, it moves so well and creates such a momentum that when I try to bring it to a halt, it drags me about a foot across the floor (Or, if I'm wielding it above my head, twirling it, it drags me around 180 degrees). It has become quite the weapon.

As expected, the demons came in force. I do not know how many demons I have slain this night, but I am sure it is around 50. Most of which were Portal shifters or Demon footsoldiers in Milltown.

Xanthias took over as the leader of the Defenders, in Eldrin's abscence. Also absent was Doyle. Xanthias did his best to organise us as best he could, in the face of being ignored by some, and attention seeking from others. He did well. As the ceremony started we all rushed to our positions. Me and Raffe stood within the library, the final line of defense. And as the ceremony start, the demons unleashed their waves.

Many of the people important to the ceremony ran off at the first mention of Demons in Milltown, looking for glory. Demons attacked Caer Laleldan, and Fleur told me that the crack with the mist had opened further, and that she had slipped down. Fondour was somehow transported from his post to the library we were in, and got a little freaked out, caused a bit of a panic, before running off. I tried to calm everyone down and tell them to get on with the ceremony. Me and Raffe would have them covered, or call for aid if necessary.

Balthazar himself appeared in the throne room, Fleur told me. T'yandra sensed the evil and spoke of Balthazar. I was nervous, but focused on gripping my hammer. And then I was told he was gone.

As I started to relax, he appeared right before my eyes. I was struck with fear.. Did I run? Or attack? By the time I decided he had run south, to try to lure us defenders away. I returned to my position and stood straight, proudly next to Raffe.

Chanilsa's prayer was wonderful.

The demon assaults continued to come thick and fast. I heard reports of Xanthias needing help in Branishor. I left Raffe on his own while I used a teleport scroll to Branishor and engaged numerous Shieldbearer demons. I had to retreat to defeat most of them, and came away with two ingots, three scalps, and two demon hearts.

But how did I get back to my post? Would Cory give me my life back, for the greater good, if I commited suicide? I decided eventually, that the answer was yes, and ran to the Wastelands. I bumped into a stray shieldbearer. And managed to dispatch him. Djvorjack (or however you spell that crazy name) Rend was there. I needed a way home, and Rend gave me one. A teleport scroll to Dundee. He is truly a great man.

I rushed back to Milltown to catch the end of the ceremony. And then I heard the town crier call that the continental doorway was activated.

Royal Ethucanian guards, and Regent General Kratos something something... I cant recall his full name, but he was on his way.

They had come, not to destroy us, as I first feared. But to aid us. What a glorious day.

We spoke with them for a while, before they went to Altitan to talk to their allies, the rock giants.

What a day...

The future looks bright, now. =)
Korrith wrote this at 18:27. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from
The purification ceremony.

It is tonight, and demons are out in force to try and stop us.

I woke up, having just slept through a fairly large demon raid, I am told. Thorin and a young female friend of mine, Kasih Sayang were there. Kasih dropped off to sleep and left me to chat to Thorin. We were chatting about the ceremony, and I warned demons may attack again. And they did.

After asking Despy about his guild, all N'rolav broke loose. Demons everywhere. I ran past some demons in Dundee, hoping the lower level adventurers could deal with them. In Milltown I smacked a couple of demons and took their scalps as treasures.

I was swept along with the crowd to Caer Laleldan, where I faced some Dark Portal shifters. And as I stumbled into the throne room, looking for people to heal, I spotted it.

A gaping crack in the floor. I brushed my fingers lightly over the Keystone seal I placed on the ancient door a while ago. It seemed Ok. The ancient evil seems to be looking for a way out.

We could not venture down into the crack. A strange mist surrounded it.

Thorin told us about a giant pet rat which a Dark Raider had summoned. And as he did, one of the Gigantic Wretch Eating Rats themselves leaped out of the hole, taking us all by surprise. Thorin dealt with it, but then before we had time to talk about what was going on, a portal appeared. And most of us jumped through.

A musty room. Perhaps the place Fondour was talking about. Maybe he WASN'T crazy. Most people ran ahead and died quickly, leaving only me and Raffe stuck there in a corridor full of the evil rats. But Our prayers were answered. As me and Raffe pondered wether to use our scrolls, portals appeared momentarily, and out jumped Thorin, Islander and Reesa.

We made our way down the corridor together, and I healed as best I could.

and in a disorientating twist, we stepped out of the corridor through a portal into.... The Caer Laleldan throne room.

We didnt have time to talk too much about this, either. Demons attacked again and I ran to Milltown to do what I could, killing a couple more dark portal shifters.

I came back here to Dundee Inn to sell my scalps, and then I started writing this.

Elijah and T'yandra have never lead us down the wrong path in what they ask of us. I shall follow them again, tonight, and hope that what we thought was no longer a problem, doesn't return, even angrier than before.
Korrith wrote this at 09:26. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Friday, 28 July 2006
Today has been a quite nice day.

The inn has been buzzing with an atmosphere, a thirst for conversation, finally quenched. We've seen talent in it's droves. Many have sung or played zither tonight (Me included). Several of my guildmates too, performed. Talented bunch.

I can only hope such trends continue, and we get to see more social interactions. After all... The purification ceremony is supposed to unify us, but that lasts only a few marcs. We should always be striving for unity, in the inn, on our average days.
Korrith wrote this at 18:46. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Monday, 24 July 2006

I feel like there is no point in me even being awake. I am often so incredibly bored. What happened to the inn? My lovely inn...

I guess losing the best customer, and getting a giant hole in the middle of it isn't the best situation to be in for an inn. But why don't people stop by anymore?

Is there some sort of other place where all the people are hanging out?

I just wish sometimes that people would drop by to say hello, at least. There are some great minds, in Valorn, some of them must contain conversation topics, waiting to burst forth in a flurry of great words...

Until that starts happening, someone can tell Balthazar to call off his demons. Because this boredom is more likely to kill me.
Korrith wrote this at 13:02. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (2)
Scribbles from Friday, 14 July 2006
I am making a stand. I hate what I have seen today.

I am to speak of a man. I'm sure you've met him. Talon Shardblade.

Yes. I know what you're thinking.

But this isn't a rant about him. This is me OFFICIALLY taking his side in things. Well. In a way.

Talon has chosen to live his life in a certain way. He isn't the only one. Lots of people who most consider "Great warriors" have done the same.

So it saddens me... Nay, DISTURBS me, to see people harass him and bully him in the way they do. Enchanting him when they know it will annoy him, provoking him and the like.

I've had my own arguements with him. And I know he's no saint. But he doesn't deserve to be harassed. I now wish I'd never been as harsh to him as I was, on one occasion.

He's there, fighting beside us in invasions and raids. I saw him go down the Hole to save a new adventurer who went the wrong way. He's levelling a lot and he helps. More than some who would choose to try and verbally bring him down.

And it's just like the situation with Ethucan. Ethucanian's hated enchanters, but were starting to change their minds. Talon is starting to realise not all magically inclined are bad. But some people will try to ruin it. Just like with Ethucan.

The whole situation with Ethucan lost us access to an entire continent of possibilities, allies, and strengths. If we let our own people ruin our relationships with fellow Valornians, then when the day comes, we will find ourself fighting alone. And that saddens me.

Korrith wrote this at 13:19. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Monday, 10 July 2006
Ah, what a nice day.

I levelled today!

And I aided Fleur in getting an orange crystal.

And I got a treasure box.

And I got a crystal decoded. Mine was a value +80, Fleur's was teleport to Milltown.

And Raffe was made officer of 22! Which he deserves.

And I opened my treasure box. Annia Sacrata 11. Not what I wanted, but it'll do.

And as for my last entry.. Well..

I don't know how to say it. I mean. I was going to write all about it here to help me deal with it... But I've discovered people like Waterfall have been reading my journal and the like! Maybe this isn't a safe place to write secrets....
Korrith wrote this at 17:45. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Sunday, 09 July 2006
The unknown is a funny thing.

Fears are often overcome by necessity. Demons are a prime example. It is necessary for us to fight them, and it seems many have adapted now, to have no fear of demons. I fear them still. I may not show it. But boy do I fear them.

I fear a lot of things. Certain things hurt, more than death. Memories, possibilities, my mind is often thinking (I have perhaps more time to do it than any in Valorn, according to many).

I think about everything I've done. Every decision. Every kiss, quote, decision, incident that I ever did, took part in, or gave to someone.

And I've done a lot of things.

Perhaps I'm just rambling. In my mind this whole entry sounded so coherant and fantastic. It isn't turning out that way, but so what. No one except me is going to read this... Not without permission anyway. Though you never know. Lots of nosy people and sneaky rogues about.

Anyway. Back to fears. What could I be scared of. I've faced demons, the burden of seals (Which it seems have weakened in my abscence. I'll put "Finding out what the N'rolav is going on" on my to do list later). And I've faced an angry Wyeverne, in my time. Possibly the most fearsome of the lot. =)

But I have fears yet. I fear, the unknown. The not knowing what I'll do when I slip and have just that little bit too much ale. The not knowing what may happen around any given corner. Or which monster will emerge from my "darkwaters" next.

On any given day, people in the past could've told you I am "Darkwaters". The whole situation doesn't need explaining now, but it ties in nicely because that is where I have been. Floating in dark waters, out at sea.

Necessity is that I must use ferries to get to some locations. I hate using the ferry. Yunah is a nice bloke, but I truly hate being on water. And this dates back to a time before Mylor dubbed me as darkwaters, too.

Y'know what journal. Forget it. Like I said. This entry isn't working out how I thought it would. Maybe I'll rip it out....
Korrith wrote this at 13:44. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
034889 people love Korrith, and his shiny bald head